Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Disappearing Fonts?
If you work collaboratively and find that the beautifully formatted document you created, complete with all its custom Quick Styles and building block content, goes kablooey (that's a technical term) when your coworker opens the file on her computer, here's a sanity-saving tip for you: Embed the fonts.
Here's how to do it:
1. Open the document on your system, and click the Microsoft Office button.
2. Choose Word Options and click Save.
3. In the Preserve Fidelity When Sharing This Document area, click Embed Fonts in This File.
4. Click the down-arrow and choose whether you want to embed fonts for all new documents or the currently open document.
5. Click OK, and save the document.
Now you can share the document's beauty without worrying that your Calibri gets changed to Times Roman. :)
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