Sunday, May 11, 2003
Something for Mom: Office XP Projects
Well, it’s Mother’s Day (Happy Mother’s Day to you, btw) and I probably shouldn’t be in my office working, but hey, I’m supposed to be able to do what I want to do today, right? Actually I was in here entering Cameron’s baseball schedule into Outlook so I could rely on the prompts (yes, I’m still annoyed by the reminder chime and one day I’ll record my own version, but for now it serves its purpose) to pull me away from my writing at the appropriate times next week. As I thought about a more efficient way to create and highlight kid activities on my Outlook calendar, I remembered something else I wanted to ask about on the list. Many of you responded to my post, “Do You IM?” last month and sent along your own insights and opinions about the developing phenomenon of instant messaging. As I was working in Outlook a little while ago, I was thinking about creating a collection of Office projects to help us get things done faster and we can get on with the things that really matter, like tying bow ties and putting in cufflinks (my teenage son went to his first prom last night).
What kinds of things do you use Office to do on a daily basis? Would you rather see specific projects related to Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, or Publisher? Are there certain kinds of templates or tools that would make your life-with-Office-XP infinitely easier?
If you have thoughts, I’d love to hear them as I begin to develop this idea. And even if you don’t, Happy Mother’s Day!
:) Kathy
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