Wednesday, November 06, 2002
When you're looking for the answer to a quirky question on one of your Office aps, where do you go? I typically search online and go the Microsoft's Knowledgebase, which has helped me in the past. I also do lots of trial and error on my own. Yesterday I was trying to answer a couple of reader questions and I happened across the Microsoft Newsgroups, and wow!. I found lots of helpful information there. The group are moderated by MVPs (not sure what that stands for but I think it means they are "highly technically skilled") and real people working with these programs for a living (like us) write in with volumes of questions. If you haven't yet tried finding an answer in one of the newsgroups, check them out. You might be surprised by how specifically your needs are met. :) Here's the link: Community Newsgroups :) kSubscribe to Posts [Atom]